Free Online Eye Test

At Blue Fin Vision®, we believe in empowering our patients with tools to monitor their eye health. That’s why we’re offering a free Snellen chart download PDF for you to test your eyesight at home.

What is a Snellen Test?

The Snellen test is a simple yet effective way to assess your visual acuity. It’s the familiar chart with letters of decreasing size that you’ve likely seen in eye clinics.

How to Use Your Free Online Snellen Test

  1. Download and print the chart on A4 paper
  2. Hang the chart at eye level, 6 metres away
  3. Cover one eye and read the smallest line you can see clearly
  4. Repeat with the other eye
  5. Compare your results with the provided guide to snellen chart interpretation

Remember: This free printable Snellen test is not a substitute for a comprehensive eye examination by a qualified optometrist.


Why Choose Blue Fin Vision® for Your Eye Care?

While our free online Snellen eye test chart is a useful tool, it’s just the beginning of what we offer. At Blue Fin Vision®, we provide:

  • State-of-the-art diagnostic equipment
  • Expert management of eye conditions
  • Advanced vision correction techniques
  • Surgical options for complex eye issues

Ready for Professional Eye Care?

Don’t leave your eye health to chance. If you’ve used our free download and have concerns, or if it’s time for your regular check-up, we’re here to help.

Contact Blue Fin Vision® today to schedule a comprehensive eye examination with our expert team. Let us help you achieve and maintain optimal eye health and crystal-clear vision.

Your eyes deserve the best – choose Blue Fin Vision® for all your eye care needs.

Book Your Consultation Now